viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

ECRD 2016 Extended Deadline: Call for Poster Abstracts

Extended Deadline for Call for Posters!

Due to popular demand, the deadline to submit a poster abstract for the 8th edition of the European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products has been extended.
New Deadline: 12 February 2016
Submit your poster!
Patient groups, academics, health care professionals and all other interested parties are encouraged to submit non-scientific or scientific poster abstracts related to rare diseases that fall within the following broad themes: Research, Diagnosis, Drug Development, Authorisation and Access, Care Provision, Social Policy, Patient Groups Innovations or any other/open topic.

Do you have examples of breakthroughs in science; patient engagement in research; initiatives on how to improve healthcare pathways; patient organisation involvement in the development of orphan medicinal products; multi-stakeholder approaches to creating adaptive and collaborative development; outcomes of national and European rare disease specific patient registries; new mHealth (mobile) tools to interest patients; social research and surveys on social or economic challenges of people with a rare disease; examples of how you are working towards building greater international synergy to make a difference at global, national and local levels... and more?
Then don't miss this opportunity to communicate your activities to over 800 members of the European and International rare disease community. More information about the poster themes is available here:
Please send any questions to:-

We look forward to receiving your poster submission and hope to see many of you in Edinburgh, Scotland from 26-28 May 2016. 

Best regards,

EURORDIS- European Organisation for Rare Diseases

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