sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

100° Aniversario de la pandemia de influenza del 1918  | Influenza pandémica (influenza) | CDC

100° Aniversario de la pandemia de influenza del 1918  | Influenza pandémica (influenza) | CDC

Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los CDC las veinticuatro horas, los siete días de la semana. Salvamos vidas. Protegemos a la gente.

1918 Flu Pandemic Commemoration

This year marks 100 years since the 1918 influenza pandemic, the most severe pandemic in recent history. CDC will commemorate the 1918 pandemic with a series of events, exhibits, and communication activities in remembrance of the pandemic and to mark the progress made in pandemic flu preparedness and response.
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1918 Flu Pandemic Commemoration

Hace cien años la pandemia de influenza de 1918 devastó comunidades enteras y se cobró la vida de aproximadamente 675 000 estadounidenses. Fue la pandemia de mayor gravedad en la historia reciente, avanzó rápidamente por todo el mundo y mató a más de 50 millones de personas. Durante más de 60 años, los CDC han recurrido a la ciencia, la vigilancia y los servicios para hacerle frente a la constante amenaza y la carga de la influenza. Estos esfuerzos han mejorado considerablemente la preparación de la influenza; aunque los virus de la influenza pandémica y estacional siguen representando un reto para la salud pública ya que los virus de la influenza cambian constantemente. Como la principal agencia de salud pública de los Estados Unidos, los CDC y sus socios de salud pública trabajan en forma conjunta para resolver dudas, mejorar la preparación para una pandemia y minimizar los efectos de futuras pandemias de influenza.

1918 Influenza Pandemic 100 Year Commemoration | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

1918 Flu Pandemic Commemoration

This year marks 100 years since the 1918 influenza pandemic, the most severe pandemic in recent history. CDC will commemorate the 1918 pandemic with a series of events, exhibits, and communication activities in remembrance of the pandemic and to mark the progress made in pandemic flu preparedness and response.
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1918 Flu Pandemic Commemoration

One hundred years ago the 1918 influenza pandemic devastated entire communities and took an estimated 675,000 American lives. It was the most severe pandemic in recent history, sweeping the globe quickly and killing more than 50 million people. For more than 60 years, CDC has used its science, surveillance, and service to address the continuing threat and burden of influenza. These efforts have dramatically improved influenza preparedness, yet seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses continue to pose a unique public health challenge as influenza viruses are constantly changing. As America’s premier public health agency, CDC and its public health partners work together to address remaining gaps, increase our pandemic preparedness, and to minimize the effects of future influenza pandemics.

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