martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

3 Articles That Support World Sepsis Day

BioMed Central – The Open Access Publisher


BioMed Central is proud to support Word Sepsis Day. Worldwide, sepsis is one of the most common deadly diseases. It is one of the few conditions to strike with equal ferocity in resource-poor areas and in the developed world.
Below are some relevant highly accessed articles from Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials and Biological Research, both open access journals.

You Can Help!
It doesn't have to stop here. World Sepsis Day is September 13, during Sepsis Awareness Month. Get involved by sharing our sepsis research through social media. Don’t forget to use #SAM2016!
International awareness of sepsis will ensure that sepsis is treated as a medical emergency.

Best wishes,

The BioMed Central Team
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