lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

MercatorNet ► Uzbekistan. Bearded and breastfeeding. Italian fertility | MercatorNet

MercatorNet's week is off to a strong start with a feature on the future of Uzbekistan after the death of the only leader it has had since independence, an article on the new frontier in transgenderism, breastfeeding transmen, and the future of Italian fertility. We've also included stories from last week, especially two features abaout the canonisation of Mother Teresa. Enjoy!

Michael Cook 

The bearded lady and her baby
By Michael Cook
Time magazine's latest hero: a transgender man breastfeeding her baby
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Fertility tips from Palazzo Chigi? For heaven’s sake!
By Chiara Bertoglio
A clumsy government effort to boost the birthrate enrages Italians.
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Why the West should watch Uzbekistan
By Andrew Liaugminas and Sheila Liaugminas
The death of the president last week leaves a power vacuum in this strategic country in Central Asia
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The Pope, climate change and population control
By Marcus Roberts
Change consumerism! Not birthrates!
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The tragedy of not being a saint
By Michael Cook
Mother Teresa made holiness wholly credible
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Mother Teresa: a ‘Saint of Darkness’
By Gëzim Alpion
An Albanian sociologist reflects upon the amazing impact of the little nun in a white sari
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Why don’t you just marry yourself?
By Carolyn Moynihan
Sologamy must be the meanest of modern marriage myths.
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Dating and demographics
By Jon Birger and Laura Perrins
With more women than men in many American colleges, life gets very complicated
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Republican voters are not ‘moving on’ from marriage
By Frank Schubert
Politicians who betray marriage face a swift electoral backlash.
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