domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

Coronavirus Disease PHGKB|Home|PHGKB

Coronavirus Disease PHGKB|Home|PHGKB

Conoravirus Disease Portal

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Only some infected people get sick, and although most of the critically ill are elderly or have complicating problems, some killed by the disease are previously healthy and even relatively young. Researchers are now gearing up to scour the patients’ genomes for DNA variations that explain this mystery.
This study used data on confirmed COVID-19 deaths by day from WHO websites and local and national governments; data on hospital capacity and utilization for US states; and observed COVID-19 utilization data from select locations to develop a statistical model forecasting deaths and hospital utilization against capacity by state for the US over the next 4 months.
A.I. Versus the Coronavirus
WJ Broad, NY Times, March 26, 2020
Advanced computers have defeated chess masters and learned how to pick through mountains of data to recognize faces and voices. Now, a billionaire developer of software and artificial intelligence is teaming up with top universities and companies to see if A.I. can help curb the current and future pandemics.
There are several approaches that can be taken with technology. One approach is to apply data science techniques to personalized vaccination on a massive scale. Another is to optimize immunization management using AI. By using AI, big data, and small data techniques together, vaccines could be distributed on a massive scale in a more precise way.

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