lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

Molecular epidemiology and hematologic characterization of δβ-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in 125,661 families of greater Guangzhou area, the metropolis of southern China | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Molecular epidemiology and hematologic characterization of δβ-thalassemia and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in 125,661 families of greater Guangzhou area, the metropolis of southern China | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Individuals with δβ-thalassemia/HPFH and β-thalassemia usually present with intermedia or thalassemia major. No large-scale survey on HPFH/δβ-thalassemia in southern China has been reported to date. The purpos...
Authors:Fan Jiang, Liandong Zuo, Dongzhi Li, Jian Li, Xuewei Tang, Guilan Chen, Jianying Zhou, Hang Lu and Can Liao
Citation:BMC Medical Genetics 2020 21:43
Content type:Research article
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