viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Three-dimensional surface imaging in breast cancer: a new tool for clinical studies? | Radiation Oncology | Full Text

Three-dimensional surface imaging in breast cancer: a new tool for clinical studies? | Radiation Oncology | Full Text

Three-dimensional Surface Imaging (3DSI) is a well-established method to objectively monitor morphological changes in the female breast in the field of plastic surgery. In contrast, in radiation oncology we ar...
Authors:Konstantin Christoph Koban, Lucas Etzel, Zhouxiao Li, Montserrat Pazos, Stephan Schönecker, Claus Belka, Riccardo Enzo Giunta, Thilo Ludwig Schenck and Stefanie Corradini
Citation:Radiation Oncology 2020 15:52
Content type:Research
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