jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Amplification of KRAS and its heterogeneity in non-Asian gastric adenocarcinomas | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Amplification of KRAS and its heterogeneity in non-Asian gastric adenocarcinomas | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Gastric cancer is one of the deadliest cancer entities worldwide. While surgery is the only curative treatment option in early tumors, for locally advanced and metastatic patients further therapeutic targets a...
Authors:Jan Rehkaemper, Michael Korenkov, Alexander Quaas, Josef Rueschoff, Aylin Pamuk, Thomas Zander, Axel M. Hillmer, Reinhard Buettner, Arnulf Heinrich Hoelscher, Christiane Josephine Bruns, Heike Loeser, Hakan Alakus and Birgid Schoemig-Markiefka
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:587
Content type:Research article
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