viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Clinical significance of prognostic inflammation-based and/or nutritional markers in patients with stage III gastric cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Clinical significance of prognostic inflammation-based and/or nutritional markers in patients with stage III gastric cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Although many studies have identified several inflammation-based and/or nutritional markers with prognostic value for patients with various types of cancer, the optimal markers and cut-off values for these mar...
Authors:Takahiro Toyokawa, Kazuya Muguruma, Mami Yoshii, Tatsuro Tamura, Katsunobu Sakurai, Naoshi Kubo, Hiroaki Tanaka, Shigeru Lee, Masakazu Yashiro and Masaichi Ohira
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:517
Content type:Research article
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