domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Corneal cross-linking versus standard care in children with keratoconus – a randomised, multicentre, observer-masked trial of efficacy and safety (KERALINK): a statistical analysis plan | Trials | Full Text

Corneal cross-linking versus standard care in children with keratoconus – a randomised, multicentre, observer-masked trial of efficacy and safety (KERALINK): a statistical analysis plan | Trials | Full Text

The KERALINK trial tests the hypothesis that corneal cross-linking (CXL) treatment reduces the progression of keratoconus in comparison to standard care in patients aged 10–16 years. This article describes the...
Authors:Kashfia Chowdhury, Caroline J. Doré, Catey Bunce and Daniel F. P. Larkin
Citation:Trials 2020 21:523
Content type:Update
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