domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Does a ketogenic diet as an adjuvant therapy for drug treatment enhance chemotherapy sensitivity and reduce target lesions in patients with locally recurrent or metastatic Her-2-negative breast cancer? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

Does a ketogenic diet as an adjuvant therapy for drug treatment enhance chemotherapy sensitivity and reduce target lesions in patients with locally recurrent or metastatic Her-2-negative breast cancer? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

Recent studies have indicated that a ketogenic diet can be used as an adjuvant therapy to enhance sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer patients. However, there are no sufficient data and no c...
Authors:Yan Wang, Ming-Xi Jing, Lei Jiang, Yu-Feng Jia, E. Ying, Hui Cao, Xiang-Yu Guo and Tao Sun
Citation:Trials 2020 21:487
Content type:Study protocol
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