jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Ex vivo modelling of drug efficacy in a rare metastatic urachal carcinoma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Ex vivo modelling of drug efficacy in a rare metastatic urachal carcinoma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Ex vivo drug screening refers to the out-of-body assessment of drug efficacy in patient derived vital tumor cells. The purpose of these methods is to enable functional testing of patient specific efficacy of a...
Authors:Rami Mäkelä, Antti Arjonen, Ville Härmä, Nina Rintanen, Lauri Paasonen, Tobias Paprotka, Kerstin Rönsch, Teijo Kuopio, Juha Kononen and Juha K. Rantala
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:590
Content type:Research article
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