viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Ipilimumab or FOLFOX with Nivolumab and Trastuzumab in previously untreated HER2-positive locally advanced or metastatic EsophagoGastric Adenocarcinoma - the randomized phase 2 INTEGA trial (AIO STO 0217) | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Ipilimumab or FOLFOX with Nivolumab and Trastuzumab in previously untreated HER2-positive locally advanced or metastatic EsophagoGastric Adenocarcinoma - the randomized phase 2 INTEGA trial (AIO STO 0217) | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Esophagogastric adenocarcinoma (EGA) currently represents a main cause of cancer related death. Despite an intensified treatment for locally advanced or metastatic EGA with a doublet chemotherapy consisting of...
Authors:Joseph Tintelnot, Eray Goekkurt, Mascha Binder, Peter Thuss-Patience, Sylvie Lorenzen, Jorge Riera Knorrenschild, Albrecht Kretzschmar, Thomas Ettrich, Udo Lindig, Lutz Jacobasch, Daniel Pink, Salah-Eddin Al-Batran, Axel Hinke, Susanna Hegewisch-Becker, Sven Nilsson, Carsten Bokemeyer…
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:503
Content type:Study protocol
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