viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Similar response rates and survival with PARP inhibitors for patients with solid tumors harboring somatic versus Germline BRCA mutations: a Meta-analysis and systematic review | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Similar response rates and survival with PARP inhibitors for patients with solid tumors harboring somatic versus Germline BRCA mutations: a Meta-analysis and systematic review | BMC Cancer | Full Text

PARP inhibitors (PARPi) have recently been approved for various malignancies based on the results of several clinical trials. However, these trials have mostly recruited patients with germline BRCA mutations, ...
Authors:Ghulam Rehman Mohyuddin, Muhammad Aziz, Alec Britt, Lee Wade, Weijing Sun, Joaquina Baranda, Raed Al-Rajabi, Anwaar Saeed and Anup Kasi
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:507
Content type:Research article
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