domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

The clinical and cost effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower pole of the kidney: the percutaneous nephrolithotomy, flexible ureterorenoscopy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for lower pole kidney stones randomised controlled trial (PUrE RCT) protocol | Trials | Full Text

The clinical and cost effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower pole of the kidney: the percutaneous nephrolithotomy, flexible ureterorenoscopy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for lower pole kidney stones randomised controlled trial (PUrE RCT) protocol | Trials | Full Text

Renal stones are common, with a lifetime prevalence of 10% in adults. Global incidence is increasing due to increases in obesity and diabetes, with these patient populations being more likely to suffer renal s...
Authors:Sam McClinton, Kathryn Starr, Ruth Thomas, Graeme MacLennan, Thomas Lam, Rodolfo Hernandez, Robert Pickard, Ken Anson, Terry Clark, Steven MacLennan, David Thomas, Daron Smith, Ben Turney, Alison McDonald, Sarah Cameron and Oliver Wiseman
Citation:Trials 2020 21:479
Content type:Study protocol
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