viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

The prevalence of headache disorders in children and adolescents in Lithuania: a schools-based study | The Journal of Headache and Pain | Full Text

The prevalence of headache disorders in children and adolescents in Lithuania: a schools-based study | The Journal of Headache and Pain | Full Text

While the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study reports headache disorders as the second-highest cause of disability worldwide, the headache data in GBD come very largely from adults. This national study in Lit...
Authors:Diana Genc, Nerija Vaičienė-Magistris, Apolinaras Zaborskis, Tayyar Şaşmaz, Aylin Yeniocak Tunç, Derya Uluduz and Timothy J. Steiner
Citation:The Journal of Headache and Pain 2020 21:73
Content type:Research article
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