jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Prognostic value of circulating tumor cells detected with the CellSearch system in esophageal cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Prognostic value of circulating tumor cells detected with the CellSearch system in esophageal cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Esophageal carcinoma (EC) is the seventh-most prevalent tumor in the world, which is still one of the primary causes of tumor-related death. Identifying noteworthy biomarkers for EC is particularly significant...
Authors:Yiding Li, Guiling Wu, Wanli Yang, Xiaoqian Wang, Lili Duan, Liaoran Niu, Yujie Zhang, Jinqiang Liu, Liu Hong and Daiming Fan
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:581
Content type:Research article
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