jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

The microRNA-130a-5p/RUNX2/STK32A network modulates tumor invasive and metastatic potential in non-small cell lung cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

The microRNA-130a-5p/RUNX2/STK32A network modulates tumor invasive and metastatic potential in non-small cell lung cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains a huge health burden for human health and life worldwide. Our study here was to illuminate the relevance of microRNA-130a-5p (miR-130a-5p) on growth and epithelial me...
Authors:Fang Ma, Yangchun Xie, Yiyu Lei, Zengshuyu Kuang and Xianling Liu
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:580
Content type:Research article
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