viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019

“It made me aware falls can happen”: responses of older adults to tailored audio-visual fall prevention messages - BMC Series blog

“It made me aware falls can happen”: responses of older adults to tailored audio-visual fall prevention messages - BMC Series blog

Lex D. de Jong & Anne-Marie Hill

Lex D. De Jong & Anne-Marie Hill

Lex D. de Jong is a postdoctoral researcher, currently working as a Senior Research Coordinator at Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, The Netherlands, and as an Adjunct Research Fellow at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. In the past few years his research has focused on stroke rehabilitation, healthy ageing and falls prevention.

Anne-Marie Hill is a Professor in the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, a member of the editorial board of BMC Geriatrics, and an APA-titled Gerontological physiotherapist (awarded by the Australian Physiotherapy Association 2007) who also holds educational qualifications. Her research interests in are healthy ageing and health for older people, focusing on falls prevention, patient education and exercise. She was awarded an NHMRC early career fellowship (2012-2015) and an NHMRC (Australia) Investigator EL2 award (2020-2025). She has obtained over $11M in research funding, collaborates on multiple national projects and has led large clinical trials in community, hospital and residential care populations. She supervises and mentors allied health professionals to undertake research with older people and works closely with organisations and clinicians to assist in translation of falls prevention evidence into practice in Australia.

“It made me aware falls can happen”: responses of older adults to tailored audio-visual fall prevention messages

recent qualitative study published in BMC Geriatrics has shown that falls-prevention promotion messages for older people need to be carefully tailored if they are to be motivating to older people to take action to do something about their falls risk. In this blog post, the authors of the study share insights on the World Café forum approach and the responses of participants to their prototype audio-visual falls-prevention messages.

Falls in older people

Falls risk increases sharply with older age, and falls among older people are a significant global problem. However, many older people are unaware of, or underestimate, their risk of falling. This may explain why older people lack the willingness to take up existing falls-prevention strategies. Because some falls can be prevented, increased population-based efforts to influence older people’s falls-prevention behavior are warranted. To this end, our team developed three prototype TV-commercial-like audio-visual falls-prevention messages that aimed to promote falls prevention in the community in the context of a positive view of aging. It was envisaged that these messages could potentially be used as one component of a future community-wide falls-prevention campaign that could operate through television, social media, and health systems. To obtain a broad community perspective on these audio-visual messages, we organized a community World Café forum

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