domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Analysis on the polymorphisms of site RS4977574, and RS1333045 in region 9p21 and the susceptibility of coronary heart disease in Chinese population | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Analysis on the polymorphisms of site RS4977574, and RS1333045 in region 9p21 and the susceptibility of coronary heart disease in Chinese population | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Rs4977574 (A > G) and Rs1333045 (C > T) are both single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related with coronary artery disease, locating on chromosome 9p21.3. The study aimed to identify the correlation between ...
Authors:Lei Hua, Jin-Xia Yuan, Shu He, Chen-Hui Zhao, Qiao-Wei Jia, Jing Zhang, Feng-Hui An, Zhao-Hong Chen, Li-Hua Li, Lian-Sheng Wang, Wen-Zhu Ma, Guang-Xu Xu and En-Zhi Jia
Citation:BMC Medical Genetics 2020 21:36
Content type:Research article
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