martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

DNA methylation-driven EMT is a common mechanism of resistance to various therapeutic agents in cancer | Clinical Epigenetics | Full Text

DNA methylation-driven EMT is a common mechanism of resistance to various therapeutic agents in cancer | Clinical Epigenetics | Full Text

Overcoming therapeutic resistance is one of the major hurdles in cancer care. One mechanism contributing to therapeutic resistance is a process in which epithelial cells switch to a mesenchymal state (epitheli...
Authors:Eva Galle, Bernard Thienpont, Sarah Cappuyns, Tom Venken, Pieter Busschaert, Matthias Van Haele, Eric Van Cutsem, Tania Roskams, Jos van Pelt, Chris Verslype, Jeroen Dekervel and Diether Lambrechts
Citation:Clinical Epigenetics 2020 12:27
Content type:Research
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