domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Medication adherence and survival among hospitalized heart failure patients in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a prospective cohort study | BMC Research Notes | Full Text

Medication adherence and survival among hospitalized heart failure patients in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a prospective cohort study | BMC Research Notes | Full Text

Management of heart failure is complex and multifaceted but adherence to medications remains the cornerstone of preventing avoidable readmissions, premature deaths, and unnecessary healthcare expenses. Despite...
Authors:Pedro Pallangyo, Jalack Millinga, Smita Bhalia, Zabella Mkojera, Nsajigwa Misidai, Happiness J. Swai, Naairah R. Hemed, Alice Kaijage and Mohamed Janabi
Citation:BMC Research Notes 2020 13:89
Content type:Research note
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