martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Mutation Spectrum of Stickler Syndrome Type I and Genotype-phenotype Analysis in East Asian Population: a systematic review | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Mutation Spectrum of Stickler Syndrome Type I and Genotype-phenotype Analysis in East Asian Population: a systematic review | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Stickler syndrome is the most common genetic cause of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in children, and has a high risk of blindness. Type I (STL1) is the most common subtype, caused by COL2A1 mutations. T...
Authors:Dan-Dan Wang, Feng-Juan Gao, Fang-Yuan Hu, Sheng-Hai Zhang, Ping Xu and Ji-Hong Wu
Citation:BMC Medical Genetics 2020 21:27
Content type:Review
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