sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

A rare Down syndrome foetus with de novo 21q;21q rearrangements causing false negative results in non-invasive prenatal testing: a case report | BMC Medical Genomics | Full Text

A rare Down syndrome foetus with de novo 21q;21q rearrangements causing false negative results in non-invasive prenatal testing: a case report | BMC Medical Genomics | Full Text

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has been established as a routine prenatal screening to assess the risk of common foetal aneuploidy disorder (trisomy 21, 18, and 13). NIPT has high sensitivity and high sp...
Authors:Hui-Hui Xu, Mei-Zhen Dai, Kai Wang, Yang Zhang, Fei-Yan Pan and Wei-Wu Shi
Citation:BMC Medical Genomics 2020 13:96
Content type:Case report
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