martes, 14 de julio de 2020

IMMUNEPOTENT CRP induces DAMPS release and ROS-dependent autophagosome formation in HeLa and MCF-7 cells | BMC Cancer | Full Text

IMMUNEPOTENT CRP induces DAMPS release and ROS-dependent autophagosome formation in HeLa and MCF-7 cells | BMC Cancer | Full Text

IMMUNEPOTENT CRP (ICRP) can be cytotoxic to cancer cell lines. However, its widespread use in cancer patients has been limited by the absence of conclusive data on the molecular mechanism of its action. Here, ...
Authors:Ana Carolina Martínez-Torres, Alejandra Reyes-Ruiz, Kenny Misael Calvillo-Rodriguez, Karla Maria Alvarez-Valadez, Ashanti C. Uscanga-Palomeque, Reyes S. Tamez-Guerra and Cristina Rodríguez-Padilla
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:647
Content type:Research article
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