jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

Tumor necrosis as a poor prognostic predictor on postoperative survival of patients with solitary small hepatocellular carcinoma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Tumor necrosis as a poor prognostic predictor on postoperative survival of patients with solitary small hepatocellular carcinoma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Small hepatocellular carcinoma (sHCC) is a special subtype of HCC with the maximum tumor diameter ≤ 3 cm and excellent long-term outcomes. Surgical resection or radiofrequency ablation provides the greatest ch...
Authors:Yi-hong Ling, Jie-wei Chen, Shi-hong Wen, Chao-yun Huang, Peng Li, Liang-he Lu, Jie Mei, Shao-hua Li, Wei Wei, Mu-yan Cai and Rong-ping Guo
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:607
Content type:Research article
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