jueves, 9 de julio de 2020

“Want a Drink? Go on, you know you want to.” – Peer pressure to drink alcohol among UK adults - BMC Series blog

“Want a Drink? Go on, you know you want to.” – Peer pressure to drink alcohol among UK adults - BMC Series blog

Stephan Dombrowski

Stephan Dombrowski

Stephan is a health psychologist at the University of New Brunswick and interested in the development, testing and application of behavior change theory and interventions for health. His research covers a range of health behaviors (e.g. drinking alcohol, diet, physical activity) and populations (e.g. members of the public, individuals with risk factors, or health care professionals).

“Want a Drink? Go on, you know you want to.” – Peer pressure to drink alcohol among UK adults

With pubs reopening in England this last weekend after a three-month lockdown, people have rushed to town centers for their social night out. Feeling pressured to have that drink? A study published today in BMC Public Health summarizes insights into peer pressure among adults in the UK based on a review of existing qualitative research. In this blog one of the study authors, Dr Stephen Dombrowski, presents five key lessons from the study.
You have probably been in situations where someone offers you an alcoholic drink and you feel like you have to drink it. Or perhaps you offer people a drink and make sure that they join in the fun. Peer pressure to drink alcohol is common in our everyday lives; from parties, your local pub, to nowadays COVID-19 pandemic friendly social distancing beers on Zoom with your mates.

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