domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

A phase II study of daily carboplatin plus irradiation followed by durvalumab for stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients with PS 2 up to 74 years old and patients with PS 0 or 1 from 75 years: NEJ039A (trial in progress) | BMC Cancer | Full Text

A phase II study of daily carboplatin plus irradiation followed by durvalumab for stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients with PS 2 up to 74 years old and patients with PS 0 or 1 from 75 years: NEJ039A (trial in progress) | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Durvalumab is a standard drug used during maintenance therapy after chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC). However, little is known about the clinical benefi...
Authors:Kyoichi Kaira, Atsuto Mouri, Shingo Kato, Kenichi Yoshimura, Hiroshi Kagamu and Kunihiko Kobayashi
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:961
Content type:Study protocol
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