viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

European Headache Federation recommendations for placebo and nocebo terminology | The Journal of Headache and Pain | Full Text

European Headache Federation recommendations for placebo and nocebo terminology | The Journal of Headache and Pain | Full Text

Despite recent publications, practitioners remain unfamiliar with the current terminology related to the placebo and nocebo phenomena observed in clinical trials and practice, nor with the factors that modulat...
Authors:Dimos D. Mitsikostas, Charlotte Blease, Elisa Carlino, Luana Colloca, Andrew L. Geers, Jeremy Howick, Andrea W. M. Evers, Magne A. Flaten, John M. Kelley, Irving Kirsch, Regine Klinger, Antoinette MaassenVanDenBrink, Daniel E. Moerman, Petros P. Sfikakis, Lene Vase, Tor D. Wager…
Citation:The Journal of Headache and Pain 2020 21:117
Content type:Consensus article
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