sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

Evaluation of the effect of Cooled HaEmodialysis on Cognitive function in patients suffering with end-stage KidnEy Disease (E-CHECKED): feasibility randomised control trial protocol | Trials | Full Text

Evaluation of the effect of Cooled HaEmodialysis on Cognitive function in patients suffering with end-stage KidnEy Disease (E-CHECKED): feasibility randomised control trial protocol | Trials | Full Text

Cognitive impairment is common in haemodialysis (HD) patients and is associated independently with depression and mortality. This association is poorly understood, and no intervention is proven to slow cogniti...
Authors:Indranil Dasgupta, Aghogho Odudu, Jyoti Baharani, Niall Fergusson, Helen Griffiths, John Harrison, Paul Maruff, G Neil Thomas, Gavin Woodhall, Samir Youseff and George Tadros
Citation:Trials 2020 21:820
Content type:Study protocol
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