domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Increased canonical NF-kappaB signaling specifically in macrophages is sufficient to limit tumor progression in syngeneic murine models of ovarian cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Increased canonical NF-kappaB signaling specifically in macrophages is sufficient to limit tumor progression in syngeneic murine models of ovarian cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

New treatment options for ovarian cancer are urgently required. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are an attractive target for therapy; repolarizing TAMs from M2 (pro-tumor) to M1 (anti-tumor) phenotypes rep...
Authors:Alyssa A. Hoover, Demetra H. Hufnagel, Whitney Harris, Kennady Bullock, Evan B. Glass, Esther Liu, Whitney Barham, Marta A. Crispens, Dineo Khabele, Todd D. Giorgio, Andrew J. Wilson and Fiona E. Yull
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:970
Content type:Research article
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