domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Integrated analysis of serum lipid profile for predicting clinical outcomes of patients with malignant biliary tumor | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Integrated analysis of serum lipid profile for predicting clinical outcomes of patients with malignant biliary tumor | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Serum lipids were reported to be the prognostic factors of various cancers, but their prognostic value in malignant biliary tumor (MBT) patients remains unclear. Thus we aim to assess and compare prognosis val...
Authors:Lejia Sun, Xin Ji, Dongyue Wang, Ai Guan, Yao Xiao, Haifeng Xu, Shunda Du, Yiyao Xu, Haitao Zhao, Xin Lu, Xinting Sang, Shouxian Zhong, Huayu Yang and Yilei Mao
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:980
Content type:Research article
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