sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

Randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in facilitating the healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetic patients: the study protocol | Trials | Full Text

Randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in facilitating the healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetic patients: the study protocol | Trials | Full Text

Diabetic limb ulcers are highly prevalent and contribute to a significant increase in cost for the treatment of these patients in health services. However, healing of these wounds is a major health problem and...
Authors:Jocefábia Reika Alves Lopes, Mariza D’Agostino Dias, João Antonio Correa, Maria Alice Bragagnolo Batalha and Luanda Karla Dantas Guerra
Citation:Trials 2020 21:816
Content type:Study protocol
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