domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis via ERK/JNK and Akt signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis via ERK/JNK and Akt signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Previous studies have shown a major green tea polyphenol (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate ((−)-EGCG) as a powerful anti-cancer agent. However, its poor bioavailability and requirement of a high dosage to manifes...
Authors:Gene Chi Wai Man, Jianzhang Wang, Yi Song, Jack Ho Wong, Yu Zhao, Tat San Lau, Kam Tong Leung, Tak Hang Chan, Huating Wang, Joseph Kwong, Tzi Bun Ng and Chi Chiu Wang
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:964
Content type:Research article
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