miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

UHC4RareDiseases | EURORDIS - The Voice of Rare Disease Patients in Europe

EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RARE DISEASES & ORPHAN PRODUCTSIMPLICARSE Únete a nuestra nueva campaña para abogar por una Cobertura Sanitaria Universal para las Enfermedades Raras en tu país: ¡todo lo que necesitas está en nuestro kit de herramientas! EURORDIS - The Voice of Rare Disease Patients in Europe

Eurordis, Rare Diseases Europe

The Voice of Rare Disease
Patients in Europe


RDI and EURORDIS have partnered to develop the UHC4RareDiseases campaign. The campaign aims to enable patient organisations and the public to call for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policies and programmes that include rare diseases.
The UHC4RareDiseases toolkit offers practical tools that you can use to raise awareness and ask policymakers to address rare diseases in order to fulfil their commitment to UHC and Health for All.
UHC ensures all people, everywhere, can access quality health services with financial protection.
All UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2019, member countries adopted the UN Political Declaration on UHC. The Declaration includes rare diseases! It commits all governments to strengthen efforts to address rare diseases in their plans to achieve UHC.
UHC4RareDiseases comes in the lead up to UHC Day (December 12th) and the Rare Disease Day campaign which calls for equity for patients and families living with a rare disease.
By using the UHC4RareDiseases advocacy and communication tools, rare disease communities around the world can urge their governments to include rare diseases in their countries’ UHC strategies and essential health service packages.

How to use the toolkit

Watch the #UHC4RareDiseases Tutorial

Presented by EURORDIS CEO Yann Le Cam and RDI Director Flaminia Macchia

Download the Toolkit

  1. FACT SHEET on UHC and rare diseases
  2. LETTER TEMPLATE to send to policymakers/ MPs/ local or national Health Ministries
For more information and editable versions of the template letter and factsheet, contact Clara Hervas, EURORDIS/RDI Public Affairs Manager, clara.hervas@eurordis.org
Find more GIFs in the social media kit
Page created: 23/09/2020
Page last updated: 07/10/2020

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