Health Conditions
Explore the signs and symptoms, genetic cause, and inheritance pattern of various health conditions.
- A-alphalipoprotein Neuropathy, see Tangier disease
- A-T, see Ataxia-telangiectasia
- AA, see Alopecia areata
- AAA, see Triple A syndrome
- AAA syndrome, see Triple A syndrome
- AADC deficiency, see Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency
- Aarskog syndrome, see Aarskog-Scott syndrome
- Aarskog-Scott syndrome
- AAS, see Aarskog-Scott syndrome
- AASA dehydrogenase deficiency, see Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy
- Aase syndrome, see Diamond-Blackfan anemia
- Aase-Smith syndrome II, see Diamond-Blackfan anemia
- AAT, see Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- AATD, see Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- AB variant, see GM2-gangliosidosis, AB variant
- ABAT deficiency, see GABA-transaminase deficiency
- ABCB11-related intrahepatic cholestasis, see Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
- ABCB11-related intrahepatic cholestasis, see Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
- ABCB4-related intrahepatic cholestasis, see Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
- abdominal hernia, see Abdominal wall defect
- abdominal migraine, see Cyclic vomiting syndrome
- Abdominal wall defect
- abetalipoproteinaemia, see Abetalipoproteinemia
- Abetalipoproteinemia
- abetalipoproteinemia neuropathy, see Abetalipoproteinemia
- ABL, see Abetalipoproteinemia
- absence defect of limbs, scalp, and skull, see Adams-Oliver syndrome
- absence epilepsy, childhood, see Childhood absence epilepsy
- absence of fingerprints, see Adermatoglyphia
- absence of vas deferens, see Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens
- absent corpus callosum cataract immunodeficiency, see Vici syndrome
- absent iris, see Aniridia
- absent nails, see Anonychia congenita
- absent patellae, scrotal hypoplasia, renal anomalies, facial dysmorphism, and mental retardation, seeGenitopatellar syndrome
- absent thumbs, dislocated joints, long face with narrow palpebral fissures, long slender nose, arched palate, seeRAPADILINO syndrome
- absent vasa, see Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens
- AC deficiency, see Farber lipogranulomatosis
- ACAD9 deficiency
- ACADM deficiency, see Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- ACADS deficiency, see Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- ACADVL, see Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- acanthocytosis, see Abetalipoproteinemia
- Acatalasemia
- acatalasia, see Acatalasemia
- ACC, see Nonsyndromic aplasia cutis congenita
- ACCPN, see Andermann syndrome
- ACD, see Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
- ACD/MPV, see Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
- ACDMPV, see Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
- Aceruloplasminemia
- ACH, see Achondroplasia
- Achalasia-addisonian syndrome, see Triple A syndrome
- Achalasia-Addisonianism-Alacrima syndrome, see Triple A syndrome
- Achalasia-alacrima syndrome, see Triple A syndrome
- Achondrogenesis
- achondrogenesis syndrome, see Achondrogenesis
- achondrogenesis type II/hypochondrogenesis, see Hypochondrogenesis
- Achondroplasia
- achondroplasia, severe, with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans, see SADDAN
- achondroplastic dwarfism, see Achondroplasia
- achromatism, see Achromatopsia
- Achromatopsia
- acid ceramidase deficiency, see Farber lipogranulomatosis
- acid esterase deficiency, see Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
- acid lipase deficiency, see Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
- acid maltase deficiency, see Pompe disease
- acid maltase deficiency disease, see Pompe disease
- ACLS, see Acrocallosal syndrome
- ACMICD, see Acromicric dysplasia
- acne inversa, see Hidradenitis suppurativa
- ACPS II, see Carpenter syndrome
- acquired aphasia with epilepsy, see Epilepsy-aphasia spectrum
- acral dysostosis with facial and genital abnormalities, see Robinow syndrome
- Acral peeling skin syndrome
- Acrocallosal syndrome
- acrocephalopolysyndactyly 2, see Carpenter syndrome
- acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II, see Carpenter syndrome
- Acrocephalosyndactyly (Apert), see Apert syndrome
- acrocephalosyndactyly III, see Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- acrocephalosyndactyly, type II, see Carpenter syndrome
- Acrocephalosyndactyly, type III, see Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- acrocephalosyndactyly, type V, see Pfeiffer syndrome
- Acrocephaly, Skull Asymmetry, and Mild Syndactyly, see Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- acrodental dysostosis of Weyers, see Weyers acrofacial dysostosis
- acroerythrokeratoderma, see Mal de Meleda
- acrofacial dysostosis 1, Nager type, see Nager syndrome
- Acromicric dysplasia
- acroosteolysis dominant type, see Hajdu-Cheney syndrome
- acroosteolysis with osteoporosis and changes in skull and mandible, see Hajdu-Cheney syndrome
- acrosome malformation of spermatozoa, see Globozoospermia
- ACS III, see Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- ACS V, see Pfeiffer syndrome
- ACS3, see Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- ACS5, see Pfeiffer syndrome
- ACTH resistance, see Familial glucocorticoid deficiency
- ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, see Primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
- ACTH-independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia, see Primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
- actin filament aggregate myopathy, see Actin-accumulation myopathy
- actin myopathy, see Actin-accumulation myopathy
- Actin-accumulation myopathy
- action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome, see Action myoclonus–renal failure syndrome
- Action myoclonus–renal failure syndrome
- action myoclonus–renal failure syndrome, see Action myoclonus–renal failure syndrome
- Activated PI3K-delta syndrome
- Activator Deficiency/GM2 Gangliosidosis, see GM2-gangliosidosis, AB variant
- Activator-deficient Tay-Sachs disease, see GM2-gangliosidosis, AB variant
- acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, see Kawasaki disease
- acute generalised pustular psoriasis, see Generalized pustular psoriasis
- acute infectious polyneuritis, see Guillain-Barré syndrome
- acute inflammatory polyneuropathy, see Guillain-Barré syndrome
- acute myelogenous leukemia with normal karyotype, see Cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia
- acute necrotizing encephalitis, see Acute necrotizing encephalopathy type 1
- Acute necrotizing encephalopathy type 1
- Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- ACY1D, see Aminoacylase 1 deficiency
- ACY2 deficiency, see Canavan disease
- acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 9 deficiency, see ACAD9 deficiency
- acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long chain deficiency, see Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- acyl-coenzyme A oxidase deficiency, see Peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency
- acylsphingosine deacylase deficiency, see Farber lipogranulomatosis
- AD, see Anauxetic dysplasia
- AD, see Alzheimer disease
- AD-HIES, see Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- ADA deficiency, see Adenosine deaminase deficiency
- ADA-SCID, see Adenosine deaminase deficiency
- ADA2 deficiency, see Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency
- Adamantiades-Behcet disease, see Behçet disease
- Adams-Oliver syndrome
- ADANE, see Acute necrotizing encephalopathy type 1
- ADCA-DN syndrome, see Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
- ADCADN, see Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
- adCSNB, see Autosomal dominant congenital stationary night blindness
- ADCY5-related dyskinesia
- ADDH, see Pol III-related leukodystrophy
- Addison disease and cerebral sclerosis, see X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
- adducted thumbs-mental retardation syndrome, see L1 syndrome
- Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency
- adenomatosis, familial endocrine, see Multiple endocrine neoplasia
- adenomatous familial polyposis, see Familial adenomatous polyposis
- adenomatous familial polyposis syndrome, see Familial adenomatous polyposis
- adenomatous polyposis coli, see Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency
- Adenosine deaminase deficiency
- adenosine deaminase deficient severe combined immunodeficiency, see Adenosine deaminase deficiency
- Adenosine monophosphate deaminase deficiency
- adenylosuccinase deficiency, see Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency
- Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency
- ADERM, see Adermatoglyphia
- Adermatoglyphia
- ADG, see Adermatoglyphia
- ADH, see Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia
- ADH-resistant diabetes insipidus, see Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- adiposalgia, see Adiposis dolorosa
- adipose tissue rheumatism, see Adiposis dolorosa
- Adiposis dolorosa
- ADLD, see Autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with autonomic disease
- ADLTE, see Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features
- ADNFLE, see Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
- ADNP syndrome
- ADNP-related intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder, see ADNP syndrome
- ADNP-related multiple congenital anomalies-intellectual disability-autism spectrum disorder, see ADNP syndrome
- ADOA, see Optic atrophy type 1
- Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
- adolescent myoclonic epilepsy, see Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- ADPEAF, see Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features
- adrenal Cushing syndrome due to AIMAH, see Primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
- adrenal hyperplasia V, see 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency
- adrenal hyperplasia, hypertensive form, see Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency
- Adrenal hypoplasia congenita, see X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita
- adrenal unresponsiveness to ACTH, see Familial glucocorticoid deficiency
- adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, see Primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
- ADSL deficiency, see Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency
- adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, see CLN4 disease
- adult onset ataxia with oculomotor apraxia, see Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia
- Adult polyglucosan body disease
- Adult premature aging syndrome, see Werner syndrome
- Adult Progeria, see Werner syndrome
- adult Refsum disease, see Refsum disease
- adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with autonomic symptoms, see Autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with autonomic disease
- adult-onset diabetes, see Type 2 diabetes
- adult-onset diabetes mellitus, see Type 2 diabetes
- Adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia
- ADVIRC, see Autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy
- adynamia episodica hereditaria, see Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
- AEC syndrome, see Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate syndrome
- AEG syndrome, see SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome
- AEXS, see Aromatase excess syndrome
- AFD1, see Nager syndrome
- affective disorder, seasonal, see Seasonal affective disorder
- afibrinogenemia, see Congenital afibrinogenemia
- African hemochromatosis, see African iron overload
- African iron overload
- African nutritional hemochromatosis, see African iron overload
- African siderosis, see African iron overload
- AGA deficiency, see Aspartylglucosaminuria
- agammaglobulinemia, see X-linked agammaglobulinemia
- aganglionic megacolon, see Hirschsprung disease
- AGAT deficiency, see Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency
- age-related hearing impairment, see Age-related hearing loss
- Age-related hearing loss
- Age-related macular degeneration
- age-related maculopathy, see Age-related macular degeneration
- agenesis of cerebellar vermis, see Joubert syndrome
- agenesis of corpus callosum with chorioretinal abnormality, see Aicardi syndrome
- agenesis of corpus callosum with infantile spasms and ocular abnormalities, see Aicardi syndrome
- agenesis of corpus callosum with neuronopathy, see Andermann syndrome
- agenesis of corpus callosum with peripheral neuropathy, see Andermann syndrome
- agenesis of corpus callosum with polyneuropathy, see Andermann syndrome
- aggressive fibromatosis, see Desmoid tumor
- AGL deficiency, see Glycogen storage disease type III
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, see Primary myelofibrosis
- AGS, see Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
- AH, see Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis
- aHUS, see Atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome
- AI, see Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Aicardi Goutieres syndrome, see Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
- Aicardi syndrome
- Aicardi's syndrome, see Aicardi syndrome
- Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome, see Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
- Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
- AIMAH, see Primary macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
- AIPDS, see Otulipenia
- AIRE deficiency, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- airsickness, see Motion sickness
- AIS, see Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- AIS, see Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
- AKU, see Alkaptonuria
- Al-Aqeel Sewairi syndrome, see Multicentric osteolysis, nodulosis, and arthropathy
- Alacrima-achalasia-adrenal insufficiency neurologic disorder, see Triple A syndrome
- alactasia, see Lactose intolerance
- Alagille syndrome
- Alagille's syndrome, see Alagille syndrome
- Alagille-Watson Syndrome, see Alagille syndrome
- albinism and complete nerve deafness, see Tietz syndrome
- albinism, ocular, see Ocular albinism
- albinism, oculocutaneous, see Oculocutaneous albinism
- albinism-deafness of Tietz, see Tietz syndrome
- albipunctate retinal dystrophy, see Fundus albipunctatus
- Albright hereditary osteodystrophy-like syndrome, see 2q37 deletion syndrome
- Albright syndrome, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright's disease, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright's disease of bone, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright's syndrome, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright's syndrome with precocious puberty, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright-McCune-Sternberg syndrome, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- Albright-Sternberg syndrome, see McCune-Albright syndrome
- alcaptonuria, see Alkaptonuria
- alcohol addiction, see Alcohol use disorder
- alcohol dependence, see Alcohol use disorder
- Alcohol use disorder
- alcoholism, see Alcohol use disorder
- ALDD, see Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome
- ALDOB deficiency, see Hereditary fructose intolerance
- aldolase B deficiency, see Hereditary fructose intolerance
- aldosterone deficiency, see Corticosterone methyloxidase deficiency
- aldosterone deficiency due to deficiency of steroid 18-hydroxylase, see Corticosterone methyloxidase deficiency
- aldosterone deficiency due to deficiency of steroid 18-oxidase, see Corticosterone methyloxidase deficiency
- aldosterone synthase deficiency, see Corticosterone methyloxidase deficiency
- Aldosterone-producing adenoma
- aldosterone-secreting adenoma, see Aldosterone-producing adenoma
- aldosteronism with hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, see Bartter syndrome
- aldosteronoma, see Aldosterone-producing adenoma
- Alexander disease
- Alexander's disease, see Alexander disease
- ALG1-CDG, see ALG1-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- ALG1-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- ALG12-CDG, see ALG12-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- ALG12-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- ALG6-CDG, see ALG6-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- ALG6-congenital disorder of glycosylation
- Alibert-Bazin syndrome, see Mycosis fungoides
- Alkaptonuria
- Allan-Herndon syndrome, see Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
- Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
- Allanson Pantzar McLeod syndrome, see Renal tubular dysgenesis
- Allergic asthma
- Allgrove syndrome, see Triple A syndrome
- ALMS, see Alström syndrome
- Alopecia areata
- alopecia circumscripta, see Alopecia areata
- Alpers diffuse degeneration of cerebral gray matter with hepatic cirrhosis, see Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
- Alpers disease, see Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
- Alpers progressive infantile poliodystrophy, see Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
- Alpers syndrome, see Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
- Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome
- alpha High Density Lipoprotein Deficiency Disease, see Tangier disease
- Alpha thalassemia
- Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- alpha thalassemia X-linked mental retardation syndrome, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- alpha thalassemia/mental retardation, X-linked, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- alpha-1 protease inhibitor deficiency, see Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- alpha-1 related emphysema, see Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- alpha-1,4-glucosidase deficiency, see Pompe disease
- alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde deficiency disease, see Hyperlysinemia
- alpha-D-mannosidosis, see Alpha-mannosidosis
- Alpha-fucosidase deficiency, see Fucosidosis
- alpha-galactosidase A deficiency, see Fabry disease
- alpha-galactosidase B deficiency, see Schindler disease
- alpha-galNAc deficiency, Schindler type, see Schindler disease
- alpha-LCAT deficiency, see Fish-eye disease
- alpha-lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency, see Fish-eye disease
- alpha-mannosidase B deficiency, see Alpha-mannosidosis
- alpha-mannosidase deficiency, see Alpha-mannosidosis
- Alpha-mannosidosis
- alpha-Methylacetoacetic aciduria, see Beta-ketothiolase deficiency
- Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency
- alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency, see Schindler disease
- alpha-NAGA deficiency, see Schindler disease
- alpha-thalassemia, see Alpha thalassemia
- alpha-thalassemia X-linked mental retardation syndrome, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome, nondeletion type, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- Alport syndrome
- ALPS, see Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
- ALS, see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- ALSP, see Adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia
- Alstrom syndrome, see Alström syndrome
- Alstrom-Hallgren syndrome, see Alström syndrome
- Alström syndrome
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
- alternating hemiplegia syndrome, see Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
- alveolar capillary dysplasia, see Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
- Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
- ALX, see Alexander disease
- alymphoid cystic thymic dysgenesis, see T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, and nail dystrophy
- Alzheimer dementia (AD), see Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer sclerosis, see Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer syndrome, see Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer's Disease, see Alzheimer disease
- Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD), see Alzheimer disease
- AMACR deficiency, see Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency
- amaurosis, Leber congenital, see Leber congenital amaurosis
- AMCD1, see Distal arthrogryposis type 1
- AMCX1, see X-linked infantile spinal muscular atrophy
- AMD, see Age-related macular degeneration
- AMD, see Pompe disease
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Aminoacylase 1 deficiency
- aminoacylase 2 deficiency, see Canavan disease
- Amish brittle hair syndrome, see Trichothiodystrophy
- Amish infantile epilepsy syndrome, see GM3 synthase deficiency
- Amish lethal microcephaly
- Amish microcephaly, see Amish lethal microcephaly
- AML M3, see Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- AMP deaminase deficiency, see Adenosine monophosphate deaminase deficiency
- AMRF, see Action myoclonus–renal failure syndrome
- amyloid cranial neuropathy with lattice corneal dystrophy, see Lattice corneal dystrophy type II
- amyloidosis due to mutant gelsolin, see Lattice corneal dystrophy type II
- amyloidosis IX, see Primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis
- amyloidosis V, see Lattice corneal dystrophy type II
- amyloidosis, Finnish type, see Lattice corneal dystrophy type II
- amyloidosis, Meretoja type, see Lattice corneal dystrophy type II
- amylopectinosis, see Glycogen storage disease type IV
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia, see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Amyotrophic Neuralgia, see Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy
- amyotrophy, thenar, of carpal origin, see Carpal tunnel syndrome
- anal-ear-renal-radial malformation syndrome, see Townes-Brocks Syndrome
- Analphalipoproteinemia, see Tangier disease
- anancastic neurosis, see Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- anankastic neurosis, see Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Anauxetic dysplasia
- Ancell-Spiegler cylindromas, see Familial cylindromatosis
- Andermann syndrome
- Anders syndrome, see Adiposis dolorosa
- Andersen disease, see Glycogen storage disease type IV
- Andersen glycogenosis, see Glycogen storage disease type IV
- Andersen syndrome, see Andersen-Tawil syndrome
- Andersen's disease, see Glycogen storage disease type IV
- Andersen-Tawil syndrome
- Anderson disease, see Chylomicron retention disease
- Anderson syndrome, see Chylomicron retention disease
- Anderson-Fabry disease, see Fabry disease
- Anderson-Warburg syndrome, see Norrie disease
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- androgen receptor deficiency, see Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- androgen resistance syndrome, see Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Androgenetic alopecia
- androgenic alopecia, see Androgenetic alopecia
- ANE1, see Acute necrotizing encephalopathy type 1
- Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital, see Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
- Anemia, hereditary sideroblastic, see X-linked sideroblastic anemia
- anemia, hypochromic microcytic, with defect in iron metabolism, see Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia
- Anemia, sex-linked hypochromic sideroblastic, see X-linked sideroblastic anemia
- anencephalia, see Anencephaly
- anencephalus, see Anencephaly
- Anencephaly
- anesthesia related hyperthermia, see Malignant hyperthermia
- Angelman syndrome
- Angelman-like syndrome, X-linked, see Christianson syndrome
- angio-osteohypertrophy syndrome, see Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
- angiohemophilia, see Von Willebrand disease
- angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, see Fabry disease
- angiokeratoma corporis diffusum-glycopeptiduria, see Schindler disease
- angiokeratoma diffuse, see Fabry disease
- angiomatosis aculoorbital-thalamic syndrome, see Sturge-Weber syndrome
- angiomatosis retinae, see Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
- ANH1, see X-linked sideroblastic anemia
- anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, see Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immune deficiency
- Aniridia
- aniridia, cerebellar ataxia, and mental retardation, see Gillespie syndrome
- aniridia-cerebellar ataxia-intellectual disability, see Gillespie syndrome
- aniridia-cerebellar ataxia-mental deficiency, see Gillespie syndrome
- ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip and palate syndrome, see Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate syndrome
- Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate syndrome
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Ankyrin-B syndrome
- annuloaortic ectasia, see Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection
- anonychia, see Anonychia congenita
- Anonychia congenita
- Anophthalmia-esophageal-genital syndrome, see SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome
- anophthalmia-syndactyly, see Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome
- anophthalmia-Waardenburg syndrome, see Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome
- anophthalmos with limb anomalies, see Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome
- anophthalmos-limb anomalies syndrome, see Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome
- anosmic hypogonadism, see Kallmann syndrome
- anosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, see Kallmann syndrome
- ANS, see Ataxia neuropathy spectrum
- anti-phospholipid syndrome, see Antiphospholipid syndrome
- antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, see Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antithrombin III Deficiency, see Hereditary antithrombin deficiency
- Antley-Bixler syndrome, see Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency
- Antley-Bixler syndrome with disordered steroidogenesis, see Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency
- Antley-Bixler syndrome-like phenotype with disordered steroidogenesis, see Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency
- AO2, see Atelosteogenesis type 2
- AODM, see Type 2 diabetes
- AOI, see Atelosteogenesis type 1
- AOIII, see Atelosteogenesis type 3
- aortic stenosis, supravalvular, see Supravalvular aortic stenosis
- AOS, see Adams-Oliver syndrome
- APBD, see Adult polyglucosan body disease
- APC resistance, Leiden type, see Factor V Leiden thrombophilia
- APDS, see Activated PI3K-delta syndrome
- APECED, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- Apert syndrome
- APL, see Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- aplasia cutis congenita with terminal transverse limb defects, see Adams-Oliver syndrome
- aplastic nails, see Anonychia congenita
- apnea, obstructive, see Obstructive sleep apnea
- apolipoprotein B deficiency, see Abetalipoproteinemia
- Appelt-Gerken-Lenz syndrome, see Roberts syndrome
- aprosencephaly, see Anencephaly
- APRT deficiency, see Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency
- APS type 1, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- APS1, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- APSS, see Acral peeling skin syndrome
- AR deficiency, see Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- AR dRTA with deafness, see Renal tubular acidosis with deafness
- AR dRTA with hearing loss, see Renal tubular acidosis with deafness
- AR-HIES, see Autosomal recessive hyper-IgE syndrome
- Arakawa syndrome 1, see Glutamate formiminotransferase deficiency
- ARAN-NM, see Autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia
- ARCA1, see Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia type 1
- ARD, see Refsum disease
- ARG1 deficiency, see Arginase deficiency
- Arginase deficiency
- Arginase Deficiency Disease, see Arginase deficiency
- Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency
- Argininemia, see Arginase deficiency
- Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- argininosuccinic acidemia, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- Argininosuccinic aciduria
- Argininosuccinicaciduria, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- argininosuccinyl-CoA lyase deficiency, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- arginosuccinase deficiency, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- arhinia choanal atresia microphthalmia, see Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome
- arhinia, choanal atresia, and microphthalmia, see Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome
- arhinia, choanal atresia, microphthalmia, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, see Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome
- ARMD, see Age-related macular degeneration
- Aromatase deficiency
- Aromatase excess syndrome
- Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy-dysplasia, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- ARS, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- ARSA deficiency, see Metachromatic leukodystrophy
- ARSACS, see Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
- arterial occlusive disease, progressive, with hypertension, heart defects, bone fragility, and brachysyndactyly, seeGrange syndrome
- arterial tortuosity, see Arterial tortuosity syndrome
- Arterial tortuosity syndrome
- arteriohepatic dysplasia (AHD), see Alagille syndrome
- arteriopathia calcificans infantum, see Generalized arterial calcification of infancy
- arthritis, degenerative, see Osteoarthritis
- arthritis, gouty, see Gout
- arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid, see Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- arthritis, rheumatoid, see Rheumatoid arthritis
- arthro-dento-osteo dysplasia, see Hajdu-Cheney syndrome
- arthrocutaneouveal granulomatosis, see Blau syndrome
- arthrodentoosteodysplasia, see Hajdu-Cheney syndrome
- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, distal, type 2B, see Sheldon-Hall syndrome
- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, distal, X-linked, see X-linked infantile spinal muscular atrophy
- arthrogryposis, distal, type 1, see Distal arthrogryposis type 1
- arthrogryposis, X-lined, type I, see X-linked infantile spinal muscular atrophy
- arthrogryposis-like syndrome, see Kuskokwim syndrome
- arthrogyroposis, distal, type 9, see Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
- arthropathic psoriasis, see Psoriatic arthritis
- arthropathy, see Osteoarthritis
- articular gout, see Gout
- Arts syndrome
- ARVC, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- ARVD, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- ARVD/C, see Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- arylsulfatase A deficiency disease, see Metachromatic leukodystrophy
- Arylsulfatase B deficiency, see Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
- arylsulfatase E deficiency, see X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata 1
- AS, see Ankylosing spondylitis
- AS, see Angelman syndrome
- ASA, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- ASAuria, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- ASD, see Autism spectrum disorder
- Asidan ataxia, see Spinocerebellar ataxia type 36
- ASL deficiency, see Argininosuccinic aciduria
- ASNS deficiency, see Asparagine synthetase deficiency
- ASNSD, see Asparagine synthetase deficiency
- Aspa deficiency, see Canavan disease
- Asparagine synthetase deficiency
- aspartoacylase deficiency, see Canavan disease
- aspartylglucosamidase deficiency, see Aspartylglucosaminuria
- Aspartylglucosaminidase deficiency, see Aspartylglucosaminuria
- Aspartylglucosaminuria
- aspartylglycosaminuria, see Aspartylglucosaminuria
- asphyxiating thoracic chondrodystrophy, see Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia, see Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- asymbolia for pain, see Congenital insensitivity to pain
- asymmetric hypoplasia of facial structures, see Craniofacial microsomia
- Ataxia neuropathy spectrum
- ataxia telangiectasia syndrome, see Ataxia-telangiectasia
- ataxia with isolated vitamin E deficiency, see Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
- ataxia with lactic acidosis, see Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
- ataxia with lactic acidosis, type II, see Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
- Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia
- Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
- ataxia, delayed dentition, and hypomyelination, see Pol III-related leukodystrophy
- ataxia, fatal X-linked, with deafness and loss of vision, see Arts syndrome
- ataxia-deafness-optic atrophy, lethal, see Arts syndrome
- ataxia-hypogonadism-choroidal dystrophy syndrome, see Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome
- Ataxia-pancytopenia syndrome
- Ataxia-telangiectasia
- ataxia-telangiectasia variant 1, see Nijmegen breakage syndrome
- ATD, see Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- Atelosteogenesis de la Chapelle type, see Atelosteogenesis type 2
- Atelosteogenesis type 1
- Atelosteogenesis type 2
- Atelosteogenesis type 3
- atelosteogenesis type I, see Atelosteogenesis type 1
- atelosteogenesis type III, see Atelosteogenesis type 3
- atelosteogenesis, type 2, see Atelosteogenesis type 2
- ATM, see Ataxia-telangiectasia
- Atopic dermatitis
- atopic eczema, see Atopic dermatitis
- ATP synthase deficiency, see Mitochondrial complex V deficiency
- ATP8B1-related intrahepatic cholestasis, see Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
- ATP8B1-related intrahepatic cholestasis, see Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
- ATR-X syndrome, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- atrial fibrillation, familial, see Familial atrial fibrillation
- atrio-digital syndrome, see Holt-Oram syndrome
- atriodigital dysplasia, see Holt-Oram syndrome
- Atrophia bulborum hereditaria, see Norrie disease
- ATRX syndrome, see Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
- ATS, see Andersen-Tawil syndrome
- ATS, see Arterial tortuosity syndrome
- ATXPC, see Ataxia-pancytopenia syndrome
- Atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome
- atypical Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloid leukemia, see PDGFRB-associated chronic eosinophilic leukemia
- auditory vertigo, see Ménière disease
- AUH defect, see 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase deficiency
- aural vertigo, see Ménière disease
- auricular fibrillation, see Familial atrial fibrillation
- Auriculo-condylar syndrome
- auriculobranchiogenic dysplasia, see Craniofacial microsomia
- auriculocondylar syndrome, see Auriculo-condylar syndrome
- Austin syndrome, see Multiple sulfatase deficiency
- Autism spectrum disorder
- autism, susceptibility to, 14A, see 16p11.2 deletion syndrome
- autism, susceptibility to, 14B, see 16p11.2 duplication
- autism-dementia-ataxia-loss of purposeful hand use syndrome, see Rett syndrome
- autistic continuum, see Autism spectrum disorder
- Autoimmune Addison disease
- autoimmune Addison's disease, see Autoimmune Addison disease
- autoimmune adrenalitis, see Autoimmune Addison disease
- autoimmune chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, see Hashimoto thyroiditis
- autoimmune diabetes, see Type 1 diabetes
- autoimmune hyperthyroidism, see Graves disease
- Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
- autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome type 1, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- autoimmune polyendocrinopathy with candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, type 1, see Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
- autoimmune thrombocytopenia, see Immune thrombocytopenia
- autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, see Immune thrombocytopenia
- autoimmune thyroiditis, see Hashimoto thyroiditis
- autoimmunity-immunodeficiency syndrome, X-linked, see Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome
- autoinflammation, lipodystrophy, and dermatosis syndrome, see Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome
- autoinflammation, panniculitis, and dermatosis syndrome, see Otulipenia
- autosomal dominant acute necrotizing encephalopathy, see Acute necrotizing encephalopathy type 1
- autosomal dominant adult-onset demyelinating leukodystrophy, see Autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with autonomic disease
- Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
- autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia-deafness-narcolepsy syndrome, see Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
- autosomal dominant cerebrovascular amyloidosis, see Hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy
- autosomal dominant childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophy with contractures, see Spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance
- Autosomal dominant congenital stationary night blindness
- autosomal dominant craniometaphyseal dysplasia, see Craniometaphyseal dysplasia
- autosomal dominant familial hematuria, retinal arteriolar tortuosity, contractures, see Hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps syndrome
- autosomal dominant familial periodic fever, see Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome
- autosomal dominant hereditary pancreatitis, see Hereditary pancreatitis
- autosomal dominant hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy, type 1A, see Hereditary sensory neuropathy type IA
- autosomal dominant HIES, see Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- autosomal dominant hyaline body myopathy, see Myosin storage myopathy
- autosomal dominant hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome, see Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- autosomal dominant hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent infection syndrome, see Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia
- autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism, see Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia
- autosomal dominant interstitial kidney disease, see Medullary cystic kidney disease type 1
- autosomal dominant Job syndrome, see Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
- Autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, see Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features
- Autosomal dominant leukodystrophy with autonomic disease
- autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease, see Medullary cystic kidney disease type 1
- autosomal dominant mental retardation 35, see PPP2R5D-related intellectual disability
- autosomal dominant MYH9 spectrum disorders, see MYH9-related disorder
- Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
- autosomal dominant Opitz G/BBB syndrome, see 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
- autosomal dominant optic atrophy, see Optic atrophy type 1
- autosomal dominant optic atrophy Kjer type, see Optic atrophy type 1
- Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features
- autosomal dominant porencephaly type 1, see Familial porencephaly
- autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia 31, see Spastic paraplegia type 31
- autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia 8, see Spastic paraplegia type 8
- Autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy
- Autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia
- Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia type 1
- autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with mental retardation, see VLDLR-associated cerebellar hypoplasia
- autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia with cerebral gyral simplification, see VLDLR-associated cerebellar hypoplasia
- autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 with neuromyotonia, see Autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia
- autosomal recessive chronic granulomatous disease, see Chronic granulomatous disease
- autosomal recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness, see Autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness
- Autosomal recessive congenital methemoglobinemia
- Autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness
- autosomal recessive craniometaphyseal dysplasia, see Craniometaphyseal dysplasia
- autosomal recessive deafness-onychodystrophy syndrome, see DOORS syndrome
- autosomal recessive distal renal tubular acidosis with deafness, see Renal tubular acidosis with deafness
- autosomal recessive distal spinal muscular atrophy 1, see Spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1
- Autosomal Recessive Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, see Troyer syndrome
- Autosomal Recessive Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, see Spastic paraplegia type 7
- autosomal recessive HIES, see Autosomal recessive hyper-IgE syndrome
- Autosomal recessive hyper-IgE syndrome
- Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis
- autosomal recessive incomplete congenital stationary night blindness, see Autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness
- autosomal recessive infantile hypercalcemia, see Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia
- autosomal recessive infantile parkinsonism, see Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency
- autosomal recessive Larsen syndrome, see CHST3-related skeletal dysplasia
- autosomal recessive localized hypotrichosis, see Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis
- autosomal recessive long QT syndrome (LQTS), see Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
- autosomal recessive neuromyotonia and axonal neuropathy, see Autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia
- autosomal recessive OPA3, see Costeff syndrome
- autosomal recessive optic atrophy 3, see Costeff syndrome
- Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly
- autosomal recessive sensorineural hearing impairment, enlarged vestibular aqueduct, and goiter, see Pendred syndrome
- Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
- autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia 15, see Spastic paraplegia type 15
- autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia 5A, see Spastic paraplegia type 5A
- autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia complicated with thin corpus callosum, see Spastic paraplegia type 11
- autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 49, see Spastic paraplegia type 49
- autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with mental impairment and thin corpus callosum, see Spastic paraplegia type 11
- autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 8, see Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia type 1
- autosomal recessive T cell-negative, B cell-positive, NK cell-negative severe combined immunodeficiency, seeJAK3-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency
- autosomal recessive T-B+NK- SCID, see JAK3-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency
- autosomal recessive woolly hair with or without hypotrichosis, see Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis
- AUTS14A, see 16p11.2 deletion syndrome
- AUTS14B, see 16p11.2 duplication
- AVED, see Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
- AxD, see Alexander disease
- Axenfeld and Rieger anomaly, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- Axenfeld anomaly, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- Axenfeld syndrome, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- AXRA, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- AXRS, see Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- Ayerza syndrome, see Pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Azorean ataxia, see Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
- Azorean disease, see Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
- Published: December 4, 2018
- The resources on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Users with questions about a personal health condition should consult with a qualified healthcare professional.
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