sábado, 26 de enero de 2019

Finally, help healing hemorrhoids

Harvard Health Publishing

A Harvard Medical School Guide

Ready to put a stop to the itching, burning, and discomfort of hemorrhoids?

This information-packed guide reveals how you can prevent and treat hemorrhoids.

Healing Hemorrhoids
In Healing Hemorrhoids, you'll discover:
Everything you need to know about the types, causes, and symptoms of hemorrhoids
Symptoms that might be signs of other, more serious conditions
How to prevent constipation—the #1 cause of hemorrhoids
The differences between stool softeners, suppositories, and laxatives
Non-surgical, office-based hemorrhoid treatments as well as surgical procedures
19 high-fiber foods that can help keep you regular
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It's the healthcare issue no one likes talking about: hemorrhoids. Yet more than 75% of people over age 45 experience hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids, you know just how uncomfortable they can be. Now, with Healing Hemorrhoids, a health guide from the experts at Harvard Medical School, you'll learn how to take charge of your hemorrhoids and get back to enjoying life.
Everything about hemorrhoids you were too embarrassed to ask
Healing Hemorrhoids gives you a complete understanding of hemorrhoids (in the comfort and privacy of your own home!). For example, you'll read about the two types of hemorrhoids—internal and external—and their causes and symptoms. (Here's some good news: hemorrhoids are not dangerous and serious complications are rare.) The guide also reveals who is more likely to get hemorrhoids, and explains how hemorrhoids are diagnosed.
The #1 tip for preventing hemorrhoids
What's the key to preventing hemorrhoids? Preventing constipation! The guide explains in detail how constipation occurs, and what you can do to avoid it. For example, you'll learn how adding fiber to your diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising can make a big difference in your bowel health. You also get an in-depth look at stool softeners, laxatives, prescription medicines, and other means of reducing constipation.
Simple lifestyle changes that help you fight hemorrhoids
The guide offers additional easy-to-try tips for preventing and relieving hemorrhoids. These include elevating your feet when using the toilet, sitting on soft cushions vs. hard surfaces, and "training" your bowels to stay regular.
A complete overview of your treatment options
When it comes to treating hemorrhoids, you have many options, depending on your particular hemorrhoid condition. Healing Hemorrhoids includes safe and easy self-help remedies such as sitz baths, fiber supplements, and topical treatments like Tucks and Preparation H. The guide also goes over non-surgical, office-based treatments for hemorrhoids, as well as surgical procedures (and what to expect after surgery, too).
Don't let hemorrhoids slow you down. Get your copy of Healing Hemorrhoids today!
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To your good health,
Howard E. LeWine, M.D.
Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

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