From CDC Information Database
This database includes general CDC public health information on specific diseases and health related topics. When available, the database displays genomic information from various CDC web pages. Users are also encouraged to conduct searches of CDC website for additional information.
- A Prime Example of How Stroke Can Happen to Anyone
- Marleahs Story
For Marleah, breast cancer at a young age runs in the family. - What is an inhibitor?
All people with hemophilia and VWD type 3 are at risk for developing an inhibitor ? an antibody ? to treatment used to stop or to prevent a bleeding episode: Anthony's story. - Real Stories: The Power of Personal Stories for Communicating Genomic Information
- Recommendations and Reality: What Personal Stories of Hereditary Cancer Can Tell Us
R Green Fisk, CDC Blog Post 2015 - Real Stories from Real Families Living with Birth Defects
- Real Stories from People living with Hemochromatosis
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