martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

Evaluation of RNA purification methods by using different blood stabilization tubes: identification of key features for epidemiological studies | BMC Research Notes | Full Text

Evaluation of RNA purification methods by using different blood stabilization tubes: identification of key features for epidemiological studies | BMC Research Notes | Full Text

Peripheral blood is the most promising source of RNA biomarkers for diagnostic and epidemiological studies, because the presence of disease and prognostic information is reflected in the gene expression patter...
Authors:J. A. Carrillo-Ávila, R. de la Puente, P. Catalina, J. D. Rejón, L. Espín-Vallejo, V. Valdivieso and R. Aguilar-Quesada
Citation:BMC Research Notes 2020 13:77
Content type:Research note
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