domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Is hypofractionated whole pelvis radiotherapy (WPRT) as well tolerated as conventionally fractionated WPRT in prostate cancer patients? The HOPE trial | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Is hypofractionated whole pelvis radiotherapy (WPRT) as well tolerated as conventionally fractionated WPRT in prostate cancer patients? The HOPE trial | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Patients with high-risk prostate cancer are at increased risk of lymph node metastasis and are thought to benefit from whole pelvis radiotherapy (WPRT). There has been recent interest in the use of hypofractio...
Authors:Lucas C. Mendez, Andrew J. Arifin, Glenn S. Bauman, Vikram M. Velker, Belal Ahmad, Michael Lock, Varagur M. Venkatesan, Tracy L. Sexton, George B. Rodrigues, Jeff Chen, Bryan Schaly, Andrew Warner and David P. D’Souza
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:978
Content type:Study protocol
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