domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Treatment outcome and long-term follow-up of central nervous system germ cell tumor using upfront chemotherapy with subsequent photon or proton radiation therapy: a single tertiary center experience of 127 patients | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Treatment outcome and long-term follow-up of central nervous system germ cell tumor using upfront chemotherapy with subsequent photon or proton radiation therapy: a single tertiary center experience of 127 patients | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Central nervous system germ cell tumors (CNS GCTs) are a heterogeneous group of brain tumors, which are more common in Asian countries. There have been different therapeutic strategies in treating germinoma an...
Authors:Kyung Taek Hong, Da Hye Lee, Bo Kyung Kim, Hong Yul An, Jung Yoon Choi, Ji Hoon Phi, Jung-Eun Cheon, Hyoung Jin Kang, Seung-Ki Kim, Joo-Young Kim, Sung-Hye Park, Il Han Kim and Hee Young Shin
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:979
Content type:Research article
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