sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019

Fighting Fibromyalgia - Harvard Health

Fighting Fibromyalgia - Harvard Health


Harvard Medical School

Finding a fibromyalgia doctor

It's not uncommon for people with fibromyalgia to encounter doctors who don't understand fibromyalgia, don't know how to diagnose and treat it, or simply don't believe it's a real condition. This may lead to delays in diagnosis and needless suffering. The right doctor, on the other hand, will be empathetic and will be able to help you manage your fibromyalgia symptoms and resume your normal activities. However, finding the right fibromyalgia doctor can be a challenge.
Get your copy of Fighting Fibromyalgia
Fighting Fibromyalgia
There is help for people with fibromyalgia. While there is no cure, symptoms can be managed successfully in many cases. The Harvard Medical School Guide Fibromyalgia explores this complex condition, its symptoms, causes, risk factors, and challenges. You'll discover how the symptoms that fibromyalgia shares with other conditions may make it difficult to get a diagnosis. You'll get suggestions for finding an empathetic doctor and working with that doctor and perhaps other specialists. You'll also discover treatment options that may help you find relief. This guide outlines some of the changes in daily life that may help you live well with this chronic condition.

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These tips on finding the right fibromyalgia doctor may help:
  • Network with others who have fibromyalgia. Support groups provide a natural starting point. The National Fibromyalgia Association website at www.fmaware.orglists support groups in each state that can help you find these initial connections. The organization can also provide a list of "fibro friendly" doctors in your state.
  • Seek advice from your primary care physician. Many doctors will be able to recommend a specialist who can help you manage your fibromyalgia condition.
  • Call the offices of doctors you're considering adding to your team. Ask the office staff whether the doctor frequently sees patients with fibromyalgia and treats them on an ongoing basis. Also ask what treatments the doctor typically prescribes.
  • Don't be afraid to walk away. If your doctor doesn't understand fibromyalgia, is insensitive, dismisses your symptoms, or is not willing to coordinate care with your other doctors, it may be best to find someone else.
For more advice on treating fibromyalgia, download the guide Fighting Fibromyalgia from Harvard Medical School. 
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Fighting Fibromyalgia

Featured content:

Painful but treatable
Causes, triggers, and risk factors
Understanding the symptoms
A challenging diagnosis
Living with fibromyalgia

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