lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

The PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint pathway, cancer immunotherapy poster and IHC panels for IO

Cancer immunotherapy & PD-L1
Learn about PD-L1's role in cancer and how immunotherapies are using the potential of the immune response against cancer.
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Cancer immunotherapy poster
Learn how the immune system can be used in the fight against cancer with our immune checkpoint pathway poster.
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IHC panels for IO
New immunohistochemistry-optimized panels of anti-human recombinant antibodies against key immuno-oncology targets.
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Fluorochrome chart
Quickly select the best fluorochromes for your next multicolor experiment. Our chart includes lasers, filters, spectra, and brightness details.
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Everything all at once
Fireplex®-HT is a no-wash multiplex immunoassay to get you screen up to 10 cytokines even faster.
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Abcam employees' scientific achievements
Find out about the great achievements that have shaped the career of some of Abcam’s scientists.
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Confirming specificity
To give you the specific and consistent results you demand, we use knockout-validation via CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
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Explore the role of NQO1 in ageing with our knockout validated anti-NQO1 antibody for Western Blot.

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