miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

Prevalence of metastases within the hypothalamic-pituitary area in patients with brain metastases | Radiation Oncology | Full Text

Prevalence of metastases within the hypothalamic-pituitary area in patients with brain metastases | Radiation Oncology | Full Text

Featured Article: Prevalence of metastases within the hypothalamic-pituitary area in patients with brain metastases

Featured ArticleCognitive impairment and fatigue are common side effects of whole brain irradiation (WBI) comprising the quality of life (QoL) for survivors. While the former is related to radiation-induced hippocampal injury, the latter could be secondary to hormonal disbalance as a consequence of radiation of the HT-P area. Thus, sparing both regions from higher irradiation doses could reduce these sequelae. In this article, Stefan Janssen et al. work to quantify the prevalence of brain metastases involving the hypothalamic-pituitary (HT-P) area.

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