Integrative genomics analysis of various omics data and networks identify risk genes and variants vulnerable to childhood-onset asthma
Childhood-onset asthma is highly affected by genetic components. In recent years, many genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have reported a large group of genetic variants and susceptible genes associated wi...13:123BMC Medical Genomics 2020Machine learning based refined differential gene expression analysis of pediatric sepsis
Differential expression (DE) analysis of transcriptomic data enables genome-wide analysis of gene expression changes associated with biological conditions of interest. Such analysis often provides a wide list ...13:122BMC Medical Genomics 2020Constructing cancer patient-specific and group-specific gene networks with multi-omics data
Cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease with many possible genetic and environmental causes. The same treatment for patients of the same cancer type often results in different outcomes in terms of effica...13(Suppl 6):81BMC Medical Genomics 2020A machine learning framework for genotyping the structural variations with copy number variant
Genotyping of structural variation is an important computational problem in next generation sequence data analysis. However, in cancer genomes, the copy number variant(CNV) often coexists with other types of s...13(Suppl 6):79BMC Medical Genomics 2020A novel neoantigen discovery approach based on chromatin high order conformation
High-throughput sequencing technology has yielded reliable and ultra-fast sequencing for DNA and RNA. For tumor cells of cancer patients, when combining the results of DNA and RNA sequencing, one can identify ...13(Suppl 6):62BMC Medical Genomics 2020Association of blood pressure with cognitive function at midlife: a Mendelian randomization study
Whether high blood pressure has a causal effect on cognitive function as early as middle age is unclear. We investigated whether high blood pressure (BP) causally impairs cognitive function at midlife using Me...13:121BMC Medical Genomics 2020Genome-wide association meta-analysis for early age-related macular degeneration highlights novel loci and insights for advanced disease
Advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness. While around half of the genetic contribution to advanced AMD has been uncovered, little is known about the genetic architecture...13:120BMC Medical Genomics 2020Unraveling the molecular heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes: a potential subtype discovery followed by metabolic modeling
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex multifactorial disease with a high prevalence worldwide. Insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion are the two major abnormalities in the pathogenesis of T2...13:119BMC Medical Genomics 2020HDNA methylation data-based molecular subtype classification related to the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
DNA methylation is a common chemical modification of DNA in the carcinogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).13:118BMC Medical Genomics 2020Haplotyping by linked-read sequencing (HLRS) of the genetic disease carriers for preimplantation genetic testing without a proband or relatives
In order to mitigate the risk of allele dropout (ADO) and ensure the accuracy of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disease (PGT-M), it is necessary to construct parental haplotypes. Typically, hapl...13:117BMC Medical Genomics 2020Breast and prostate cancers harbor common somatic copy number alterations that consistently differ by race and are associated with survival
Pan-cancer studies of somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) have demonstrated common SCNA patterns across cancer types, but despite demonstrable differences in aggressiveness of some cancers by race, pan-can...13:116BMC Medical Genomics 2020Comparative transcriptome analysis of Parkinson’s disease and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome reveals shared susceptible cellular network processes
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) are two heterogeneous disorders, which both display molecular and clinical alterations associated with the aging process. However, simil...13:114BMC Medical Genomics 2020Clinical, genomics and networking analyses of a high-altitude native American Ecuadorian patient with congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis: a case report
Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by insensitivity to pain, inability to sweat and intellectual disability. CIPA is caused ...13:113BMC Medical Genomics 2020Bioinformatic analysis revealing mitotic spindle assembly regulated NDC80 and MAD2L1 as prognostic biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer development
Lung cancer has been the leading cause of tumor related death, and 80% ~ 85% of it is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Even with the rising molecular targeted therapies, for example EGFR, ROS1 and ALK, the ...13:112BMC Medical Genomics 2020Fusion transcript detection using spatial transcriptomics
Fusion transcripts are involved in tumourigenesis and play a crucial role in tumour heterogeneity, tumour evolution and cancer treatment resistance. However, fusion transcripts have not been studied at high sp...13:110BMC Medical Genomics 2020A novel use for Levey-Jennings charts in prenatal molecular diagnosis
The goal of this study was to determine whether Levey-Jennings charts, which are widely used in clinical laboratories, can be used to create standardized internal quality controls (IQCs) for prenatal molecular...13:109BMC Medical Genomics 2020Integration analysis of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) role in tumorigenesis of colon adenocarcinoma
Colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) is one of the most common gastrointestinal cancers globally. Molecular aberrations of tumor suppressors and/or oncogenes are the main contributors to tumorigenesis. However, the exa...13:108BMC Medical Genomics 2020Analysis of exosomal circRNAs upon irradiation in pancreatic cancer cell repopulation
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most malignant tumors. However, radiotherapy can lead to tumor recurrence, which is caused by the residual surviving cells repopulation stimulated by some molecular released fro...13:107BMC Medical Genomics 2020Detection of leukemia gene fusions by targeted RNA-sequencing in routine diagnostics
We have evaluated an NGS-based method to detect recurrent gene fusions of diagnostic and prognostic importance in hematological malignancies. Our goal was to achieve a highly specific assay with a simple workf...13:106BMC Medical Genomics 2020Characterization of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity of obstructive sleep apnea using electronic health records
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is defined by frequent episodes of reduced or complete cessation of airflow during sleep and is linked to negative health outcomes. Understanding the genetic factors influencing e...13:105BMC Medical Genomics 2020Decentralized genomics audit logging via permissioned blockchain ledgering
One of the tasks in the iDASH Secure Genome Analysis Competition in 2018 was to develop blockchain-based immutable logging and querying for a cross-site genomic dataset access audit trail. The specific challen...13(Suppl 7):102BMC Medical Genomics 2020Semi-Parallel logistic regression for GWAS on encrypted data
The sharing of biomedical data is crucial to enable scientific discoveries across institutions and improve health care. For example, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) based on a large number of samples ca...13(Suppl 7):99BMC Medical Genomics 2020- 13(Suppl 7):98BMC Medical Genomics 2020
Efficient logging and querying for blockchain-based cross-site genomic dataset access audit
Genomic data have been collected by different institutions and companies and need to be shared for broader use. In a cross-site genomic data sharing system, a secure and transparent access control audit module...13(Suppl 7):91BMC Medical Genomics 2020Achieving GWAS with homomorphic encryption
One way of investigating how genes affect human traits would be with a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Genetic markers, known as single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), are used in GWAS. This raises privac...13(Suppl 7):90BMC Medical Genomics 2020Privacy-preserving semi-parallel logistic regression training with fully homomorphic encryption
Privacy-preserving computations on genomic data, and more generally on medical data, is a critical path technology for innovative, life-saving research to positively and equally impact the global population. I...13(Suppl 7):88BMC Medical Genomics 2020Optimized homomorphic encryption solution for secure genome-wide association studies
Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) refer to observational studies of a genome-wide set of genetic variants across many individuals to see if any genetic variants are associated with a certain trait. A typi...13(Suppl 7):83BMC Medical Genomics 2020Leveraging blockchain for immutable logging and querying across multiple sites
Blockchain has emerged as a decentralized and distributed framework that enables tamper-resilience and, thus, practical immutability for stored data. This immutability property is important in scenarios where ...13(Suppl 7):82BMC Medical Genomics 2020Using blockchain to log genome dataset access: efficient storage and query
Genomic variants are considered sensitive information, revealing potentially private facts about individuals. Therefore, it is important to control access to such data. A key aspect of controlled access is sec...13(Suppl 7):78BMC Medical Genomics 2020Privacy-preserving approximate GWAS computation based on homomorphic encryption
One of three tasks in a secure genome analysis competition called iDASH 2018 was to develop a solution for privacy-preserving GWAS computation based on homomorphic encryption. The scenario is that a data holde...13(Suppl 7):77BMC Medical Genomics 2020Privately computing set-maximal matches in genomic data
Finding long matches in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences in large aligned genetic sequences is a problem of great interest. A paradigmatic application is the identification of distant relatives via large ...13(Suppl 7):72BMC Medical Genomics 2020Identification of potential crucial genes in atrial fibrillation: a bioinformatic analysis
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is at least partially heritable, affecting 2–3% of the population in Europe and the USA. However, a substantial proportion of heritability is still lacking. In the present study, we ai...13:104BMC Medical Genomics 2020What is the right sequencing approach? Solo VS extended family analysis in consanguineous populations
Testing strategies is crucial for genetics clinics and testing laboratories. In this study, we tried to compare the hit rate between solo and trio and trio plus testing and between trio and sibship testing. Fi...13:103BMC Medical Genomics 2020Next-generation sequencing analysis of endometrial screening liquid-based cytology specimens: a comparative study to tissue specimens
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is now a widely used method for cytologic screening and cancer diagnosis. Since the cells are fixed with alcohol-based fixatives, and the specimens are stored in a liquid condition,...13:101BMC Medical Genomics 2020Genome-wide identification of methylated CpG sites in nongenital cutaneous warts
Low-risk HPV infection has not been the subject of epigenetic investigation. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the methylation status of CpG sites in non-genital cutaneous warts.13:100BMC Medical Genomics 2020Mitochondrial GWAS and association of nuclear – mitochondrial epistasis with BMI in T1DM patients
BMI is a strong indicator of complications from type I diabetes, especially under intensive treatment.13:97BMC Medical Genomics 2020A rare Down syndrome foetus with de novo 21q;21q rearrangements causing false negative results in non-invasive prenatal testing: a case report
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has been established as a routine prenatal screening to assess the risk of common foetal aneuploidy disorder (trisomy 21, 18, and 13). NIPT has high sensitivity and high sp...13:96BMC Medical Genomics 2020Statistical driver genes as a means to uncover missing heritability for age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive retinal disease contributing to blindness worldwide. Multiple estimates for AMD heritability (h2) exist; however, a substantial proportion of h2 is not attr...13:95BMC Medical Genomics 2020Comparative analysis of somatic variant calling on matched FF and FFPE WGS samples
Research grade Fresh Frozen (FF) DNA material is not yet routinely collected in clinical practice. Many hospitals, however, collect and store Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) tumor samples. Consequently...13:94BMC Medical Genomics 2020Weighted correlation network bioinformatics uncovers a key molecular biosignature driving the left-sided heart failure
Left-sided heart failure (HF) is documented as a key prognostic factor in HF. However, the relative molecular mechanisms underlying left-sided HF is unknown. The purpose of this study is to unearth significant...13:93BMC Medical Genomics 2020Analysis of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 bivalent promotors in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines reveals variations depending on estrogen receptor status and significantly correlates with gene expression
The role of histone modifications is poorly characterized in breast cancer, especially within the major subtypes. While epigenetic modifications may enhance the adaptability of a cell to both therapy and the s...13:92BMC Medical Genomics 2020Genetic colocalization atlas points to common regulatory sites and genes for hematopoietic traits and hematopoietic contributions to disease phenotypes
Genetic associations link hematopoietic traits and disease end-points, but most causal variants and genes underlying these relationships are unknown. Here, we used genetic colocalization to nominate loci and g...13:89BMC Medical Genomics 2020Long non-coding RNA profiling of pediatric Medulloblastoma
Medulloblastoma (MB) is one of the most common malignant cancers in children. MB is primarily classified into four subgroups based on molecular and clinical characteristics as (1) WNT (2) Sonic-hedgehog (SHH) ...13:87BMC Medical Genomics 2020Integrative analyses of gene expression profile reveal potential crucial roles of mitotic cell cycle and microtubule cytoskeleton in pulmonary artery hypertension
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a life-threatening condition. The aim of this study was to explore potential crucial genes and pathways associated with PAH based on integrative analyses of gene expres...13:86BMC Medical Genomics 2020Whole genome sequencing of familial isolated oesophagus atresia uncover shared structural variants
Oesophageal atresia (OA) is a life-threatening developmental defect characterized by a lost continuity between the upper and lower oesophagus. The most common form is a distal connection between the trachea an...13:85BMC Medical Genomics 2020Construction and analysis of a lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network based on competitive endogenous RNA reveal functional lncRNAs in oral cancer
A growing evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) can function as a microRNA (miRNA) sponge in various diseases including oral cancer. However, the pathophysiological function of lncRNAs remains ...13:84BMC Medical Genomics 2020Using Ethereum blockchain to store and query pharmacogenomics data via smart contracts
As pharmacogenomics data becomes increasingly integral to clinical treatment decisions, appropriate data storage and sharing protocols need to be adopted. One promising option for secure, high-integrity storag...13:74BMC Medical Genomics 2020Leukocyte telomere length in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia
Thalassemia is a hereditary hemolytic anemia with a severity ranging from mild, non-transfusion dependent to severe chronic anemia requiring lifelong transfusion. Transfusional iron overload is a major complic...13:73BMC Medical Genomics 2020
Finding Clues in Ruins of Ancient Dead Star With NASA’s Chandra
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