How many people has the coronavirus killed? Researchers are struggling to tally mortality statistics as the pandemic rages. Here’s how they gauge the true toll of the coronavirus outbreak.
G Viglione, Nature News, September 1, 2020
G Viglione, Nature News, September 1, 2020
How to use precision medicine to personalize COVID-19 treatment according to the patient’s genes
C Allen et al, The Conversation, September 1, 2020
C Allen et al, The Conversation, September 1, 2020
To date, precision medicine has proven better suited to inherited diseases and to diseases such as cancer, involving mutations acquired during a person’s lifetime, than to infectious diseases.
Potential reduction in transmission of COVID-19 by digital contact tracing systems
MJ Plank et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
MJ Plank et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
Data-driven Optimized Control of the COVID-19 Epidemics
A Shirin et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
A Shirin et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
Systematic review and meta-analysis identifies potential host therapeutic targets in COVID-19.
N Parkinson et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
N Parkinson et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
Data-Driven Inference of COVID-19 Clinical Prognosis
J Salas et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
J Salas et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
Modelling COVID-19 contagion: Risk assessment and targeted mitigation policies
R Cont et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
R Cont et al, MEDRXIV, September 1, 2020
Study Ties COVID-19-Related Syndrome in Kids to Altered Immune System
NIH Director's blog, September 1, 2020
NIH Director's blog, September 1, 2020

Looking to Reopen, Colleges Become Labs for Coronavirus Tests and Tracking Apps- Universities are pioneering technology that could help society combat the pandemic.
M Richtel, NY Times, August 30, 2020
M Richtel, NY Times, August 30, 2020
Barriers and Facilitators to Recruiting Study Participants in Host Genomic Studies
M Dixon et al, CDC Blog, September 1, 2020
M Dixon et al, CDC Blog, September 1, 2020

Genetic studies of COVID-19 should strive to be representative of the larger population. Research studies often provide the most benefit to the populations that are studied, and some of these populations, such as Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, have been historically underrepresented in medical research.
Measuring mobility to monitor travel and physical distancing interventions: a common framework for mobile phone data analysis
N Kishore et al, Lancet Digital Health, September 1, 2020
N Kishore et al, Lancet Digital Health, September 1, 2020
Despite several years of research in this area, standard frameworks for making use of different data streams from mobile phones are scarce and difficult to generalize across data providers. We examine aggregation principles and procedures for different mobile phone data streams and describe a common syntax for how aggregated data are used in research and policy.
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