sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020

Developing consensus on core outcome domains and measurement instruments for assessing effectiveness in perioperative pain management after sternotomy, breast cancer surgery, total knee arthroplasty, and surgery related to endometriosis | Trials | Full Text

Developing consensus on core outcome domains and measurement instruments for assessing effectiveness in perioperative pain management after sternotomy, breast cancer surgery, total knee arthroplasty, and surgery related to endometriosis | Trials | Full Text

Evidence synthesis of clinical trials requires consistent outcome assessment. For pain management after surgery, inconsistency of effectiveness assessment is still observed. A subproject of IMI-PainCare (Innov...
Authors:Ulrike Kaiser, Hiltrud Liedgens, Winfried Meissner, Claudia Weinmann, Peter Zahn and Esther Pogatzki-Zahn
Citation:Trials 2020 21:773
Content type:Study protocol
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