09/15/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Imperial College London. Published: 9/15/2020. This 46-page report estimates the potential under-ascertainment of COVID-19 mortality in Damascus, Syria, where all-cause mortality data has been reported between July 25 and August 1, 2020. It fits a mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission to reported COVID-19 deaths in Damascus since the beginning of the pandemic and compares the model-predicted deaths to reported excess deaths. (PDF)
09/14/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] (HHS ASPR). Published: 9/14/2020. This interagency TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange) product, compiled by ASPR's Behavioral Health Team and the Division of Recovery, was designed to help regional emergency coordinators and federal and state planners support stakeholders in various areas of COVID-19 response and recovery. It features sections on steady state programs, grants, impacted HHS programs, online resources and training, waivers and flexibilities, and data sources, all of which include behavioral health components. (Text)
09/14/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 9/14/2020. This 52-page annual report provides a harsh assessment of the global COVID-19 response, warning that the world cannot afford to be unprepared again when the next pandemic hits. The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board calls for five urgent actions to be taken to bring order out of the catastrophe and chaos currently facing the world: responsible leadership; engaged citizenship; strong and agile systems for health security; sustained investment; and robust global governance of preparedness. (PDF)
09/09/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Preparedness and Response (CDC CPR). Published: 9/9/2020. This guidance from the Division of Select Agents and Toxins, updated in September 2020, provides guidance about the regulatory requirements for training that are found in Section 15 of the select agent regulations. Individuals that access select agents and toxins must know the requirements of their entity's safety, security, and incident response programs if their entity is to be compliant. The regulations define the training that must be provided, who must receive the training, and how often the training must be provided. (Presentation Slides)
09/03/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] (HHS ASPR). Published: 9/3/2020. This four-page document from TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange) responds to a request for information and resources on how healthcare facilities are planning for seasonal influenza vaccination, including the possibility of also providing COVID-19 vaccination during flu season. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health [Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences] (NCDMPH). Published: 9/2020. This 48-page document, updated in September 2020, was created with the intent to provide a framework upon which to build disaster behavioral health curricula, and compile and give access to up-to-date, credible resources to support such curricula. It is intended for use by those developing and delivering disaster behavioral health training, as well as community leaders, policymakers, and others seeking to better understand the behavioral health impacts of disasters on individuals and communities. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] (HHS ASPR). Published: 9/1/2020. This four-page document from the Healthcare Resilience Working Group promotes constructs such as the Medical Operations Coordination Cell (MOCC) during the COVID-19 pandemic to create a regional approach, including policies to support these load-balancing operations, particularly through hospital-to-hospital patient transfers. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] (HHS ASPR). Published: 9/2020. This five-page template from the Healthcare Resilience Working Group provides a framework for indicators and triggers that may assist states that are implementing Medical Operations Coordination Cells (MOCCs). The goal of the MOCC toolkit is to assist regional, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to ensure load-balancing across healthcare facilities and systems so that the highest possible level of care can be provided to each patient during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] (HHS ASPR). Published: 9/2020. This 20-page document, developed with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provides the conclusions and recommendations of the task force formed by FEMA and ASPR to contribute specifically to combating the spread of COVID-19 and mitigating its impacts on residents of long-term care facilities. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 9/2020. As part of the process for developing its annual report, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board commissions review papers from world experts and leading institutions that explore the challenges of preparedness through various lenses. This web page provides links to the 2020 background papers. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. Published: 9/2020. Over 50 participants from countries and territories in the WHO European Region participated in a training course on risk communication, community engagement, and social science. This 132-page training report consists of two main sections that both cover the core content, themes, and concepts of SocialNet – but considered through distinctive lenses. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Published: 9/1/2020. This 10-page report illustrates some of the limitations of the statistics on gender-based violence that have been widely publicized in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, provides additional contextual information to better understand the risks women and girls are facing, and outlines some priority recommendations to governments, policy makers, donors, and key humanitarian and development actors for addressing gender-based violence in the context of COVID-19. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 9/2020. The FDA is issuing this 14-page guidance to provide sponsors and investigators with considerations for approaches on how common COVID-19-related symptoms can be measured and analyzed in clinical trials evaluating drugs or biological products for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in outpatient adult and adolescent subjects. (PDF)
09/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Published: 9/2020. The FDA is issuing this 12-page guidance to help drug and biological product manufacturers during the COVID-19 public health emergency plan and prioritize current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) activities as they transition from operations impacted by the public health emergency to normal manufacturing operations. (PDF)
08/27/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Preparedness and Response (CDC CPR). Published: 8/27/2020. This guidance from the Division of Select Agents and Toxins, updated on August 27, 2020, is for the responsible official (RO) for select agents, the individual designated by the registered entity with the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the entity to ensure compliance with Section 9 of the select agent regulations. It describes the ore responsibilities of and criteria to be the RO. (Text)
08/01/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Source: United Kingdom Department of Health (DH). Published: 8/2020. This 27-page report sets out learning and best practice drawn from Dame Mary Ney’s rapid stocktake of lessons learned from the Leicester City/Leicestershire experience of responding to a local surge in COVID-19 cases. The Leicester City/Leicestershire Intervention was the first of its type and commenced when some of the architecture for managing such an event was underdeveloped and had never been exercised. (PDF)
01/01/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Published: 2019. This 43-page document is a background paper for the report, "A World at Risk 2019." It explores the state of the world’s preparedness for pandemic threats following the 2013–2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and 2019 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (PDF)
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