sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Un juego de herramientas para empleadores de cuidado a largo plazo | Influenza estacional | CDC

Un juego de herramientas para empleadores de cuidado a largo plazo | Influenza estacional | CDC

Fotos de un virus de la influenza, hombres y mujeres mayores en centros de cuidado a largo plazo y profesionales de la salud como enfermeros y médicos.

Un juego de herramientas para empleadores de cuidado a largo plazo

Aumentar la cobertura de vacunación contra la influenza entre el personal de atención médica en centros de cuidado de salud a largo plazo
Este juego de herramientas integral incluye una cantidad de recursos que tienen como objetivo ayudar a los centros de cuidado a largo plazo, las agencias o los propietarios y administradores corporativos a brindar a su fuerza laboral acceso a vacunas contra la influenza y además ayudan a los empleadores de los trabajadores del área del cuidado a largo plazo a comprender porqué es importante que sus empleados se vacunen contra la influenza.

A Toolkit for Long-Term Care Employers | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC

HIGHLIGHT: Resources for Increasing Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Personnel in Long-term Settings

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) developed a toolkit to help long-term care employers and administrators promote influenza vaccination among their workforce and to help anyone working in LTC facilities understand the importance of influenza vaccination for LTC workers. The toolkit is available now to aid in early flu vaccination planning efforts! This toolkit is also available in Spanish.
Are you gearing up for flu season? This week we are highlighting the Resources for Increasing Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Personnel in Long-term Settings section of the toolkit. In this section you can find:
  • Campaign materials
  • Toolkits for Establishing and Improving an Influenza Vaccination Program
  • Cultural and Language Resources
  • Guidance for Promoting Influenza Vaccination in Your Facility
Be sure to browse this section of the toolkit in preparation for your organization’s flu vaccination plans, and please consider sharing feedback via the toolkit home page!
Learn More!

Within this comprehensive toolkit are a number of resources intended to help long-term care facility, agency, or corporation owners and administrators provide access to influenza vaccination for their workforce and to help any employer of workers in long-term care understand the importance of influenza vaccination for their employees.

The Gap

The Percentage of Healthcare Personnel Getting the Flu Vaccine

The Plan

The Tools Available

Flu, Prevention & Outbreak Response

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