sábado, 16 de junio de 2018

Sugar-sweetened drinks and your metabolism - BMC Series blog

Sugar-sweetened drinks and your metabolism - BMC Series blog

BMC Series blog

Dr. Shanon Casperson

Dr. Shanon Casperson is an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Research Biologist at the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center. Her research is directed toward understanding the intricate, yet dynamic, relationship between the nutritional components that we consume, the metabolic responses that they initiate within our bodies, and eating behaviors.

Sugar-sweetened drinks and your metabolism

The next time you tuck into a protein rich dinner, it may be a good idea to hold off on the sugary drinks. A new study published in BMC Nutrition found that a combination of sugar sweetened drinks and a protein rich meal decreases metabolic efficiency, which can lead to more fat being stored. Here to tell us more is lead author of the study Dr. Shanon Casperson.

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